
The Expedition

A monthly subscription that is your ticket to becoming the Family Captain! Join us for exclusive content, expert guidance, and practical insights to lead your home, set a godly example, and cultivate a thriving, passionate relationship with your wife. Embark on this transformative journey today and embrace the fulfilling role you were destined to play in your family's life.
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Captain's Course

Your comprehensive roadmap to mastering the art of family leadership! This dynamic curriculum is designed to equip you with essential skills, biblical principles, and practical techniques to become an exceptional Family Captain. Discover the confidence and wisdom needed to steer your family towards a harmonious and purposeful life, while building a deep and lasting connection with your wife. Enroll now and chart the course for a successful and fulfilling family journey.
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For Family Captain Elite

Join our flagship 12-week coaching program to experience a radical transformation with John Michael as your personal coach.
In the The Family Captain Elite, you will:

• Have weekly coaching calls with JM where you receive mentorship and straight answers.
• Gain access to the robust Family Captain Training Room resources.
• Develop and execute a custom plan to strengthen your family life and marriage.
• Learn practical steps to improve the frequency and passion of your sex life.
• Experience accountability and support within a like-minded brotherhood
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Captain's Course


For Family Captain Elite

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